A cord blood bank is a facility that collects, processes,
and stores umbilical cord blood that can open limitless
possibilities for better healthcare and research, globally.
Cord blood banking is the simple process of collecting and
storing the blood left in a newborn’s umbilical cord after birth,
which can be used to treat various diseases affecting the
blood and immune system.
A newborn’s stem cells have remarkable healing potential
like a “bio repair kit” that helps repair and restore tissues
while generating new cells to replace damaged ones, that
can be used to treat 80+ life threating medical conditions.
Cord blood is rich in stem cells that provide a vital resource for people affected with various diseases, including blood disorders and certain genetic conditions.
Educational Factsheet, Cord Blood Association
Cord blood storage offers immediate access to therapies as valuable options for your family's health, in case of life-threatening medical diagnosis.
Cord blood treatments are FDA-approved. Celebrating Cord Blood Awareness Month, 2024. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies
Readily and globally available hematopoietic stem cells that has been pre-screened, tested, cryopreserved and ready to use in transplants and other therapies.
2022 Update: How many clinical trials use cord blood or cord tissue? Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, non-profit foundation and public service project by Dr. Frances Verter.
Your newborn’s cord blood can be a perfect genetic match for family members requiring stem cell transplants or therapies.
Cord Blood Association, international nonprofit organization that promotes both public and family cord blood banking
Cord blood stem cells are young and have regenerative properties, thereby aiding in more successful transplants and recovery.
Broder SM, Ponsaran RS, Goldenberg AJ. US Public Cord Blood Banking Practices: Recruitment, Donation, and the Timing of Consent. Transfusion. 2013;53:679–687. PubMed Central, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine (US Government)
Cord blood stem cells offer higher match rates via Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) typing, hence greater the chance that the patient’s body will accept the donor’s stem cells.
Vanderson Rocha, M.D., John E. Wagner, Jr., M.D., Kathleen A. Sobocinski. Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Children Who Have Received a Cord-Blood or Bone Marrow Transplant from an HLA-Identical Sibling. N Engl J Med 2000;342:1846-1854. The New England Journal of Medicine.
Our DoH-licensed private cord blood bank allows you to store your child’s stem cells for exclusive use by your family. This option is particularly recommended for families with a known medical history or those who have an affected sibling.
Cord blood is valuable—learn more about preserving for your family’s use.
Umbilical cord is not just a medical waste but a rich resource to save lives.